Git Superpowers I – Lightning Talk



This is a lightning talk I gave at work to my colleagues about using Git. The DevOps & SRE team that I'm part of here keeps saying that knowing how to use Git gives you super powers. This lightning talk was an attempt to educate engineers about safety nets Git provides allowing you to make mistakes with confidence, and show real world use cases and workflows when working in teams.

The format of the talk was more of a live command line demo, so it's presented here as the shell script I used as notes, with accompanying terminal output as I was typing commands.

We’re going to learn to:


# Say I'm a developer and I've got a JIRA ticket that says we have to
# improve the friendly language on the login page to make it more inviting.
# My JIRA ticket has two subtasks, the first one (DEV-999999-really-cool-component)
# is the task for creating the <Text> component because we don't have one of those yet.
# The second subtask (DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) is to actually use the
# component on the login screen.
# In my git history, I currently have a bunch of commits on my DEV-999999 branch.
# Unfortunately I got carried away and also started the second ticket on this branch.
# As a courtesy to the reviewers, I am going to split this branch into two branches,
# one for each ticket. This will help reviewers by givving them smaller diffs to review.
# I've been pretty good at how I form my commits so far, so it should be a matter of
# unzipping those commits into each branch.
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* be9779a1 (HEAD -> DEV-999999-really-cool-component) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
* b735020f Bump all dependencies for the lols
* 2e055574 Remove leg end
* 261cad18 Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* 312a896f Use cool text component on the login screen
* 7c56fdbf Add a cool Text atom component
* ca77ced8 Add git watch scripts
| * 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spaces
| * aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
* 707f52ab DEV-3164 Button Component
* 85a31564 DEV-9876 Slider Component
* a7b6b05a DEV-2731 PSS info on profile page
* 49fee3a0 DEV-1337 Protect login page from XSS
* 0a9eb838 DEV-9877 New login screen
* 5fed9627 DEV-6661 Switch from React to Vue
$ git status
On branch DEV-999999-really-cool-component
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: web-apps/
modified: web-apps/src/profile/components/Availability/constants.js

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

# First, from the DEV-999999 branch, lets make the branch for the second subtask.
git branch DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login
# This makes another branch that's the same as my DEV-999999 branch, but doesn't check
# it out. (i.e. you're still on the DEV-999999)
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* be9779a1 (HEAD -> DEV-999999-really-cool-component, DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
* b735020f Bump all dependencies for the lols
* 2e055574 Remove leg end
* 261cad18 Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* 312a896f Use cool text component on the login screen
* 7c56fdbf Add a cool Text atom component
* ca77ced8 Add git watch scripts
| * 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spaces
| * aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
* 707f52ab DEV-3164 Button Component
* 85a31564 DEV-9876 Slider Component
* a7b6b05a DEV-2731 PSS info on profile page
* 49fee3a0 DEV-1337 Protect login page from XSS
* 0a9eb838 DEV-9877 New login screen
* 5fed9627 DEV-6661 Switch from React to Vue

# And when I'm doing a complicated rebase I like to make a backup branch just in case
# i screw everything up
git branch backup/cool-component
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* be9779a1 (HEAD -> DEV-999999-really-cool-component, backup/cool-component, DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
* b735020f Bump all dependencies for the lols
* 2e055574 Remove leg end
* 261cad18 Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* 312a896f Use cool text component on the login screen
* 7c56fdbf Add a cool Text atom component
* ca77ced8 Add git watch scripts
| * 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spaces
| * aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
* 707f52ab DEV-3164 Button Component
* 85a31564 DEV-9876 Slider Component
* a7b6b05a DEV-2731 PSS info on profile page
* 49fee3a0 DEV-1337 Protect login page from XSS
* 0a9eb838 DEV-9877 New login screen
* 5fed9627 DEV-6661 Switch from React to Vue

# There have been commits to master since I last branched from there so I will rebase
# my DEV-999999 branch onto master to make sure it's up to date.
git rebase -i master
# That didn't work because I have working changes that haven't been committed yet.

# Lets see whats here:
git diff
# This opens up the current working changes in a program called `less`. You can scroll
# up and down with the arrow keys (or mousewheel if it's set up). You can search for
# text by pressing `/` then typing your search and pressing ENTER. You can quit by
# pressing `q`.

# Ok can partially commit the important changes that I want to keep, but stash the rest.
# To stage only the bits that I want, do:
git add -p
# This will enter patch add mode. You can type `y` to stage the 'hunk' that is shown to
# you, `n` to ignore it, `s` to split the hunk into smaller hunks, or `q` to quit.
# There's a little help thing you can read by typing `?`.
$ git status
On branch DEV-999999-really-cool-component
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
modified: web-apps/src/profile/components/Availability/constants.js

Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: web-apps/
modified: web-apps/src/profile/components/Availability/constants.js

# After that's done I'll go through here and only add that bit that I need
git commit
# This opens up the commit message in `vim`. You can press `i` to enter 'Insert Text'
# mode, type the commit message then press ESCAPE. To save the commit message, press
# `:` then type `w` for 'write to disk' and `q` for 'quit', then press ENTER.
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* 1461723e (HEAD -> DEV-999999-really-cool-component) Add weekday evening constant
* be9779a1 (backup/cool-component, DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
* b735020f Bump all dependencies for the lols
* 2e055574 Remove leg end
* 261cad18 Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* 312a896f Use cool text component on the login screen
* 7c56fdbf Add a cool Text atom component
* ca77ced8 Add git watch scripts
| * 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spaces
| * aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
* 707f52ab DEV-3164 Button Component
* 85a31564 DEV-9876 Slider Component
* a7b6b05a DEV-2731 PSS info on profile page
* 49fee3a0 DEV-1337 Protect login page from XSS
* 0a9eb838 DEV-9877 New login screen
$ git status
On branch DEV-999999-really-cool-component
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: web-apps/
modified: web-apps/src/profile/components/Availability/constants.js

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

# Now I've committed the bit I wanted. I still have working changes left over and I
# can't be bothered figuring out what to do with it, so I'll just stash it just in case
git stash
# If you want to look at what you have stashed:
git stash list
# Or look at the contents of your last stash:
git stash show -p
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* eb60d408 (refs/stash) WIP on DEV-999999-really-cool-component: 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
| * 3026623e index on DEV-999999-really-cool-component: 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
* 1461723e (HEAD -> DEV-999999-really-cool-component) Add weekday evening constant
* be9779a1 (backup/cool-component, DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
* b735020f Bump all dependencies for the lols
* 2e055574 Remove leg end
* 261cad18 Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* 312a896f Use cool text component on the login screen
* 7c56fdbf Add a cool Text atom component
* ca77ced8 Add git watch scripts
| * 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spaces
| * aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
* 707f52ab DEV-3164 Button Component
* 85a31564 DEV-9876 Slider Component
* a7b6b05a DEV-2731 PSS info on profile page
$ git status
On branch DEV-999999-really-cool-component
nothing to commit, working tree clean

# OK now I can actually rebase. I'm going to rebase the first ticket on to master and
# get rid of ('drop') the commits that are only for the second branch. I can just drop
# the second branches commits because I created the second branch before and it has all
# the commits it needs on it already.
git rebase -i master
# You're now editing the rebase to-do list in `vim`. you can delete lines by pressing
# `dd`, or you can edit the text by pressing `i`, and then ESCAPE when you're done.
# Note the useful commands git documents at the bottom of the file. We won't get in to
# it here but play around with it some time. You made a backup branch so it's all good.

# I don't need this first commit because it was a test. I can just delete the line (`dd`)
# to drop the commit from the final rebased branch.
# The second commit is a change to the component library. We want to keep that
# The third I can't remember. If we open up another terminal and check what was in it
# by copying and pasting the commit hash.
git show 312a896f
# You're viewing the diff in `less`. Press `q` to exit.

# Yep that's just a change in the web-app, we can drop that (`dd`).
# Keep the next one, drop the leg end one (`dd`)
# etc.
# Once you're done editing the to-do list, write it to disk and quit `vim` (`:wq`)
# Now see we have a branch that only has the component library commits and it comes off
# the latest master.
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* f0b7107e (HEAD -> DEV-999999-really-cool-component) Add weekday evening constant
* 0ce503ff Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* d49c3882 Add a cool Text atom component
* 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spacestabs instead of 3 spaces
* aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
| * eb60d408 (refs/stash) WIP on DEV-999999-really-cool-component: 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
| |\
| | * 3026623e index on DEV-999999-really-cool-component: 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
| |/
| * 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
| * be9779a1 (backup/cool-component, DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
| * b735020f Bump all dependencies for the lols
| * 2e055574 Remove leg end
| * 261cad18 Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
| * 312a896f Use cool text component on the login screen
| * 7c56fdbf Add a cool Text atom component
| * ca77ced8 Add git watch scripts

# Now the trick is to rebase the DEV-111111 branch on top of the first one.
# You can do that by switching to the branch:
git checkout DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login
# Note how the HEAD has moved, that shows you where you are in the commit graph
# Now tell git to to rebase it on top of the first branch.
git rebase -i DEV-999999-really-cool-component
# Notice how the other commits that are already on the first branch are missing here.
# That's because the rebase command runs through all the changes and if something
# already exists, no changes need to be made and it drops the commit for you.
# So you only have commits relevant to the second branch in the to-do list.
# Run the rebase by writing and exiting (`:wq`)
# Now you can see the second branch on top there with only its relevant changes.
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* cb55dce4 (HEAD -> DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
* 36d4449b Bump all dependencies for the lols
* 5ea9afce Remove leg end
* 140512bb Use cool text component on the login screen
* 544f9048 Add git watch scripts
* f0b7107e (DEV-999999-really-cool-component) Add weekday evening constant
* 0ce503ff Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* d49c3882 Add a cool Text atom component
* 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spacestabs instead of 3 spaces
* aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
| * eb60d408 (refs/stash) WIP on DEV-999999-really-cool-component: 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
| |\
| | * 3026623e index on DEV-999999-really-cool-component: 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
| |/
| * 1461723e Add weekday evening constant
| * be9779a1 (backup/cool-component) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
| * b735020f Bump all dependencies for the lols

# Now I can delete my backup branch
git branch -D backup/cool-component
# And get rid of that that stash
git stash drop
$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* cb55dce4 (HEAD -> DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login) Fix a bug with the branding of the login screen
* 36d4449b Bump all dependencies for the lols
* 5ea9afce Remove leg end
* 140512bb Use cool text component on the login screen
* 544f9048 Add git watch scripts
* f0b7107e (DEV-999999-really-cool-component) Add weekday evening constant
* 0ce503ff Fix bug in text component that limited developer choice
* d49c3882 Add a cool Text atom component
* 733f3cc4 (master) DEV-2589 Switch from tabs to spacestabs instead of 3 spaces
* aaaae70b DEV-1212 Sort all imports in reverse alphabetical order
* 707f52ab DEV-3164 Button Component
* 85a31564 DEV-9876 Slider Component
* a7b6b05a DEV-2731 PSS info on profile page
* 49fee3a0 DEV-1337 Protect login page from XSS
* 0a9eb838 DEV-9877 New login screen

# And we're good! But an hour later I realise I had some really important documentation
# in that stash. But I dropped it and it's lost forever!
# Not really. Git rarely deletes anything. Dropping a stash just means it isn't
# connected to your commit graph anymore. It's still there... somewhere
# We just have to find it. We can try the reflog. Sometimes that's handy if you delete
# a branch like I just deleted my backup branch and it's still there
git reflog
# This gives you a log of all the reference changes that have happend, opened in `less`.
# You can navigate around or type `/` to search.

# In my case though, stashes aren't really on branches so they wont show up in the reflog.
# Instead I had to find a hairy looking command on Stack Overflow to get it back.
# It uses the fsck command to find all dangling commits in my local git repo like this:
git fsck --no-reflog | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}'
# Not useful on its own but if you pump it in to the git log command you can get all the
# log messages next to the commit hashes:
git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all $( git fsck --no-reflog | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}' )
# Look for commits that start with WIP because that's the convention the `git stash`
# command uses
# You can do `git show <commit>` to find what's in the commit. Now I can get it back by
# cherry-picking (without committing) the commit on to my branch
git cherry-pick eb60d408 -n -m 1
# Tada I rescued a stash from oblivion yey
$ git status
On branch DEV-111111-cool-component-on-login
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
modified: web-apps/
modified: web-apps/src/profile/components/Availability/constants.js


Instead of building a comments section, I've offloaded that job to twitter. You can reply to this tweet about the post, or just tweet @Dermah.